Lest you think I am a Polyanna… Let me first say that autism SUCKS. I really wish that it wasn’t a part of my life. I really wish I was writing a blog on something lighter and more entertaining, but here we are.
My blessings are the people who have come into our lives as a result of Gray’s autism. I am constantly amazed by the depth of commitment that people have to helping my son and our family. Can you believe that there are people in this world who will put up with a kid that screams, pinches, bites, gags himself and pulls poop out of his pants and THEY STILL COME BACK??? Yes. There are amazing people in this world. The next time you are fed up with humanity and you think that everyone in this world sucks, come by my house and watch a therapy session with Gray. You will be inspired by the amazing spirit, tenacity and kindness of the people who work with my son.
Barry often teases me and says that I end up making friends with all of Gray’s therapists and babysitters. Maybe that’s a boundary problem that I have, but I can’t help myself. These are amazing people who have come into my life and I owe it all to Gray. Maybe I find a kinship here because I am a caretaker by nature, but the generosity of spirit that I have received is virtually bottomless.
G-d bless the therapists, babysitters and teachers that feel a calling to help kids with autism. There is a special place in heaven for you!!
You tell your story so well, Rhoni. Good for you for finding the time to chronicle it. I’m looking forward to updates of Gray’s progress!
Rhoni, I don’t think you are alone in making friends with Gray’s therapists! JJ and Elliott’s therapists have become family to us over the years. These people are placed in your life for a very specific reason and they are probably the best equipped to understand what you live every day This post definitely made me smile this morning! I hope you, Gray and Hope have a wonderful day!